
周一至周六 :8:00-12:00
周一至周六 :20:00-24:00



办公地址:630 Rue Sherbrooke O,Motreal,QC,H3A 1E4 CA


       2008年9月开始实施的加拿大经验类别移民 (Canadian Experience Class), 推出的目的在于留住已经具有加拿大境内学习和工作经验的申请人。此项目有利于两类具有临时身份的申请人获得永久居民身份:留学毕业生和持工作许可的申请人。自CEC经验类别移民政策推出以来,已经有数以万计的留学生通过该政策成功办理移民。



  • 全职工作时间的定义由之前的1950小时降低为1560小时。

  • 工作经历由之前的“申请前近2年内获得”更改为“申请前近3年内获得”,也就是说工作经历的追溯期由之前的两年增加为三年,更有利于留学生申请。

  • 语言要求提高。

  • 受加拿大雇主雇佣,并持有加拿大人力资源部签发的市场劳工意见(LMO)。



1. 已经找到一份适合移民(NOC 0, A, B)且稳定的工作,想从工作一开始就为移民做好完全准备的申请人。建议尽早与加程咨询做好沟通,可以在工作初期争取主动,有效避免以后不必要的麻烦。(比如雇主开出的Title和JobDuty实际不符、雇主因为对CEC移民不了解而到最后不愿意配合、支票存根有遗漏等等)

2. 工作满半年以上,开始考虑准备CEC资料和雅思考试的申请人。加程咨询会针对申请人的工作、教育背景及语言能力做出全面的分析和评估,合理安排考语言、写雇主信及填表的时间,使申请可以在第一时间递上去,抢先排队,快速获批。

3. 工作已经10个月或11个月,很快就满足工作小时数的申请人。这类申请人需要尽快与加程咨询取得联系,以确保能在第一时间完成整个申请材料的准备。准备时间越充分,移民申请就越稳妥。



       2013年,加拿大移民部门针对CEC (CanadaExperience Class)移民出台了新的政策。在语言方面,CEC的语言要求取消了之前可以用“高分补低分”的方法,更加重视申请人在英文听、说、读、写全方面的成绩。如果申请人的申请职位在NOC中属于0类或者A类,那么他的雅思成绩必须满足听力、阅读、写作、口语各项成绩都在6分或6分以上;如果申请人的申请职位在NOC中属于B类,那么他的雅思成绩必须达到听力5分或5分以上、阅读4分或4分以上,写作5分或5分以上,口语5分或5分以上,才能符合CEC移民的语言成绩要求。

1. 如果申请人在申请CEC时,需要用到两个或两个以上的职位,并且这些职位在NOC中分别属于不同的类别,例如:0类 /A类和B类。那么,在这种情况下申请人的雅思成绩需要达到什么标准才能满足要求呢?


"If an applicant has work experience in both NOC 0,A or NOC B occupations, the

applicant must satisfy the officer that they meet theminimum language proficiency

threshold for the skill type/level in which they haveobtained most (i.e., more than half) of

their qualifying work experience. If an applicant haswork experience that is split evenly between NOC 0, A or NOC B occupations, theofficer should apply the language proficiency threshold that is most favorableto the applicant."


如果申请人的工作职位在NOC 0类、 A类 和NOCB类中,那么他们的语言成绩需要满足工作时间较长的工作的最低语言要求。如果申请人的工作时间相等(50%NOC 0、A / 50% NOC B),那么移民官将会选择最有利与申请人的语言成绩要求(即B类工作的最低语言要求) 。



"You need to meet these requirements to apply underthe Canadian Experience Class. You must:

•plan to live outside the province of Quebec

•have at least 12 months of full-time (or an equal amountin part-time) skilled work experience in Canada in the three years before youapply,

•have gained your experience in Canada with the properauthorization

•apply while working in Canada or within one year ofleaving your job in Canada

•meet the required language levels needed for your jobfor each language ability (speaking, reading, writing, and listening)."




"Language test results must not be more than twoyears old at the time the application is received."




According to the Canadian National OccupationalClassification (NOC), skilled work experience means:

•Managerialjobs (NOC skill type 0)

•Professionaljobs (NOC skill type A)

•Technicaljobs and skilled trades (NOC skill type B)

You must have at least 12 months of full-time, or anequal amount in part-time, skilled work experience. Full-time work means atleast 30 hours of paid work per week.

To find out which group your job falls under, see thelist of jobs and their NOC groups. Follow the steps to find the NOC group thatmatches your job.

If the details and list of main duties for a job underNOC skill types 0, A or B match what you did while you worked in Canada, yourjob is likely in that group. If it does not, look at the list to see if anotherjob matches your experience.



"Note: Any period of employment during which theapplicant was engaged in full-time study will

not be included in calculating the period of qualifyingwork experience (e.g. work experience

gained through co-op work permits, off-campus workpermits while a full-time student, and

on-campus work permits)."

                                                                                                      ——摘自OperationalManual (CIC)

在Operational Manual明确指出,在校期间的实习和兼职工作,是不会计算在申请CEC的工作时间里面的。

2. 新政策规定,工作1年,累计满1560个小时可以递交CEC申请,那么如果只是工作满1560小时但没有满1年可以递交吗?

"You must have at least 12 months  of full-time, or an equal amount inpart-time, skilled work experience. Full-time work means at least 30 hours ofpaid work per week.' "



3. 如果同时有两份兼职工作,并且都满足CEC的职位要求,累计超过30H/week,符合CEC新政吗?或者一份兼职,做超过1年时间攒够工时,也可申请吗?


"To be a member of the CEC, the applicant must also:

have acquired, in Canada, within the 36 months before thedate on which their application is received, at least 12 months of full-timework experience, or the equivalent in part-time work experience, in one or moreoccupations listed in Skill Type 0 or Skill Level A or B of the NationalOccupational Classification (NOC) matrix, exclusive of restrictedoccupations" (e.g. more than one part-time job held simultaneously or oneor more part-time jobs held over the equivalent of at least one year offull-time work).

                                                                                                               ——摘自Operational Manual



A: 某人在2013年同时有两个兼职工作,其中一个是在XX公司做AdministrativeAssistant,每周15个小时。另一个是在XX公司做Bookkeeper,每周15个小时,那么他做满12个月就可以递交申请;

B: 2012年,某人在XX公司做兼职AdministrativeAssistant 1年。每周工作15个小时;之后在2013年,又转去在XX公司做Bookkeeper1年,每周工作15个小时。那么他工作累计24个月后也可递交申请。


"Under this stream the applicant must have:

- completed a required program of study in Canada andobtained a Canadian educational credential (e.g., degree, diploma, orcertificate);  While a person may havecompleted required courses, they are not considered graduates until a degreehas been conferred by a university.  Infact, following the completion of required courses, there are usuallyassessments that occur leading up to convocation to ensure that degreerequirements have been met.  Therefore, aperson who simply completes required courses is not a university graduate.  The post-graduation stream of the CEC isintended for applicants who have been conferred an educational credential.  

                                                                                                              ——CEC Immigration Officer


5. T4A可以用来申请CEC吗?


6. CEC对薪水有要求吗?

CEC没有提到任何有关薪水的注意事项,主要是根据案例的不同,作出合理的解释即可。其实,移民官也知道刚毕业的留学生,由于缺乏工作经验, 就算10.25每小时的薪水是正常的,合乎情理的。相反,如果一个刚毕业没有任何工作经验的留学生在XXX公司做Manager,时薪20-30加元,面对这么高的薪水移民官也会皱眉头。其实薪水多少不是最重要的,重要的是整个案例是否合理,消除移民官的疑惑。
